​What Is PIM And Why Is It Important For N RF Connectors?


PIM, also known as "passive intermodulation", represents the intermodulation product produced when two or more signals pass through passive devices with non-linear characteristics. PIM may be caused by amplitude modulation, N RF Connectors damage, metal interference or unclean, radiofrequency connector loosening, cable or poor antenna. In modern times, managing the wireless network infrastructure and antenna products has become a complex process, because different technologies are usually integrated into the base station. In addition, N RF Connectors with the advent of enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) and large-scale machine-type communication (MMTC), detection and mitigation of PIM become more and more important, because LTE and 5G networks are particularly sensitive to it.

What to consider when buying antennas

In the planning and deployment phase of large-scale communication projects, attention must be paid to investing only in the highest quality, low certification products. If the interference overlaps with the basic receiving frequency of the network, the network throughput and performance may be impaired. According to industry standards, or at a lower level, it is considered good that the lower the number of products, the better, especially if you are considering antennas for public security applications and trunking systems.

Perform real PIM tests

Multiple organizations test components of antennas used during design and manufacturing to ensure that they are not sources of interference after N RF Connectors. Considering the suitable environment, suitable connectors, fixtures, and high-quality PIM authentication equipment, real PIM testing can be completed. Teruilai produces a large number of PIM certified products, such as antennas, N RF Connectors, and so on. It really provides 360-degree solutions to meet the strict and low PIM requirements of customers. In addition, Teruilai's engineering and production teams are renowned worldwide for their ability to test and manufacture custom low antennas unique to customer applications, even with the strictest specifications.

N RF Connectors quality and PIM

In addition to extreme weather, storms or lightning, and other external resources, possible PIM causes include poor antenna component quality, water infiltration into transmission equipment, rust and so on. To avoid what is known as the "rusty bolt effect", check the antennas to make sure they are heavy weather and weatherproof. The collinear omnidirectional antenna has lightweight, PIM certified anti-ultraviolet glass fiber radome, high wind speed class, long service life, and DC grounding lightning protection (according to IEC62305 Part 1-4 and) requirements. They can work perfectly in the temperature range from - 40 F to + 140 F (i.e. - 40 C to + 60 C). They have excellent bandwidth and highly stable RF performance in the whole frequency band.

Inspection of cable faults: Ensure that the cable is authenticated and tested for faults.

Avoid braiding N RF Connectors: When using braided N RF Connectors, high PIM will be noticed. This is because the tiny holes in the braiding design may be part of the braiding shield or foil package, which acts as loose connections during testing.

Regular maintenance: Proper maintenance and equipment maintenance are critical to maintaining a low level. Cleaning and inspection are the basis of excellent performance. Proper torque is also important because it helps to avoid damage to the central connector.

With the aging of cellular systems and the increasing number of carriers, authentication and testing products from reliable sources become more and more important.

N RF Connectors

A few years ago, when cellular and public security systems were lightly loaded, PIM testing was considered unimportant and suddenly became an important part of current maintenance. Next-generation networks need higher transmission fidelity. Now operators are facing the challenge of maintaining B2B and B2C customer loyalty in the competitive arena. Therefore, it is imperative to test network PIM performance and product PIM. Finally, considering the base station constructed by PIM-certified active and passive components, the maintenance cost is much lower and the function is much better in the long run.



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